Hours of operation: 7:00am - 6:00pm
Ages: 5 months - 5 years
Meals provided: Yes - CACFP
Transportation provided: No
Facility includes multipurpose indoor play room, chalk board, dry erase board, kids dining area, toys, educational material, outside fenced in playground and much more.
Garden Growers takes advantage of today's technology by keeping you informed of your child's daily activities through a simple app called Brightwheel. Check out the video to the left and how we keep you connected to your child throughout the day. We also accept payments through the Brightwheel portal which can keep parents up to date on invoices and annual reports for tax purposes at the click of a button.
Garden Growers Family Daycare, LLC
6500 Edgerton Drive Lanham, MD 20706
(240) 601-6311 info@gardengrowersfdc.com
Copyright © 2017 Garden Growers Family Daycare, LLC - All Rights Reserved.